Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cheesy Pita Toast

Hello again!  It's November!  For some this means partaking in the month long activity of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), where participants work on writing a 50,000 word novel in a month.  This is my first time being one of those participants.  Though the results may be awful, and though they may not be interesting to anyone other than myself, I plan on finishing this novel and it will be mine!  I feel confident with my start after crossing the 10K mark, but we will see if that confidence continues as the month progresses.  For any readers participating in NaNoWriMo, feel free to comment if you want to discuss or be writing buddies!

I promise the intro is relevant to this week's recipe.  With many people working on their novels, or whatever else keeps the month busy (exams, problem sets, job, I thought I'd prepare some quicker recipes that could work as appetizers or snacks.  I went through a huge pita phase during one of my semesters at college.  Pita toast was one of the quick and easy things I could make.  It made a great "munchy" that I could snack on while studying or working on an assignment.  It also was an excuse to use my oven when when the weather turned cold.

I also used a new type of garlic for the first time with this recipe!  It was called Georgia Fire, and I had gotten it from Stoney Creek Nursery when I visited the Ithaca Farmers Market.  I think I may have found another favorite (on top of the German Red).  It had a wonderful fragrance, and was definitely a spicy garlic

My ingredients for this week were:
First, set your oven to broil.

 It is now time for the prep work.  Cut each pita into quarters.  Open up each quarter and rip it in half.  I did this with two pitas, making about 15-16 total pita toasts (one of which was ripped too much so I saved it as an offering to my eternally hungry dog).

Mince the garlic, and grate the cheese (or use a food processor to grind it up and make it go faster).  The cheese I used was Toma Brianna from Cooperstown Cheese Company.  This is a mild and creamy cheese that melted wonderfully.  Other times I've made this I have either used Parmesan or Mozzarella, depending on what kind of cheese I was feeling like using or what was available in my refrigerator at the time.

With everything prepped, it is time to assemble!  I have no idea if it is just me (it probably is), but I am really awful at using a paintbrush for applying oil or butter onto anything.  On a baking sheet, I first painted the olive oil onto each pita quarter, then added the garlic, then the cheese, and finally sprinkled oregano on top.

Put in the oven for 3-5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the toast is starting to get crispy.  This went great as a side for dinner. It was great to dip in the sauce of our spaghetti dinner, and I look forward to snacking on the rest throughout the night as I novel away.

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